As ye know, we’re all about pirates here at PlayGames2Learn.com. And since we’re especially involved with pirate-related topics these days, we thought why not take it a step further. We’re issuing a friendly creative challenge for this year’s #TalkLikeAPirateDay! (September 19)
Make a craft, costume, artwork, or do some other pirate-inspired activity, and share it with us on social media.
Use our hashtags “#PiratePursuitTBG’s #CraftChallenge fer #TalkLikeAPirateDay #TLAPD” – and then tag us @PlayGames2Learn on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram so we’ll be sure ta see ye!
Arr! We’ll be lookin’ fer yer creations!
Upcoming Subscribers Discount
We also want ta give some more details on our new game, Pirate Pursuit – The Spanish Treasure Fleet. In this educational game of cat-and-mouse fer 3-5 players, the pirate moves secretly about the game board, aiming to plunder the Spanish treasure fleet as it visits fortified ports along the Spanish Main. The other players are pirate hunters who must use their knowledge of pirate lore to reveal the pirate’s location and drive them away from the treasure fleet – or better yet, to capture that blasted bilge rat of a thieving buccaneer! [more here]
This family-friendly game includes educational content about infamous people, historical events, world geography, and naval vocabulary. Players will also practice teamwork, social skills, verbal comprehension, and map reading. But best of all… ye will learn real facts about the world of pirates!
When Pirate Pursuit – The Spanish Treasure Fleet is published later this Fall, all subscribers ta our mailing list will receive a 10% off coupon ta use at TheGameCrafter.com.
Tell yer friends and family too – Any scallywag who subscribes before the end of 2020 will also be eligible fer this discount!
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Avast! And don’t ye be afraid ta follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram ta get the latest updates on #PiratePursuitTBG & our other educational games…