A Feast Gone Wrong

The King and Queen's Banquet - Cover with Main Characters

Make sure to do the voices! Ages 6-12

Holiday get-togethers with your family & friends don’t always go as planned—Especially when a 7-year-old imagines it as in The King and Queen’s Banquet!

In our playful comedy adventure, the King and Queen want to host a banquet party. But some of their chosen dishes pose a real challenge to the Royal Hunter. Fortunately, the hunter gains the aid of a helpful witch and together they gather what is needed, though not without some difficulties along the way.

However, an uninvited guest takes the party on an amusingly dark turn…

The King and Queen’s Banquet is available via Amazon!

PlayGames2Learn.com - In support of BCCHF.ca

‘Voice-Actors’ Become Authors

The King And Queens Banquet - Character March

Our daughter voiced/acted the roles of the: Queen, Witch, Lion, Shark, Turtle, Dragon & Parrot

Our story began as the transcript of a puppet theatre conceived by our daughter at age 7. There was no pre-planning of the story or the characters. We divided up the puppets and the dialogue just started. Afterwards, we thought it had been such a fun story that we wanted to write it down.

We imagine The King and Queen’s Banquet being read to yourself or aloud in story time, acted out as a puppet theatre, or even put on as an elementary or middle-grade school play. Whichever way you enjoy our story, we hope you have as much fun imagining all the action as we did when we first thought it up!

Take a Look Inside on Amazon!

Bonus! Popsicle Puppets!

PlayGames2Learn.com - Popsicle Puppets

Now you can act out the scenes of this playful comedy adventure as you read along using our double-sided popsicle puppets of the main characters.

Next, print the blank popsicle puppets to create more characters & make up your own story!

Download The King and Queen’s Banquet e-Book on Amazon.