Comming soon! You may already know we recently released a print-and-play version of The Bone Game with teachers and their classrooms in mind. But now, we’ve migrated that new look to our standard edition as well.
Soon you’ll be able to order this upgraded version on professionally printed cards and in its own robust tuck box!
The Bone Game was designed by our daughter to help teach other kids the names of the major bones in the human body. It’s a face-paced card-matching game that definitely encourages shouting and taking – all in good fun, but with a point too! 😉
Matches are made by pairing ‘picture only cards’ (that show an unlabeled single bone) with ‘bone name cards’ (that show a group of bones titled with the name of just one of those bones). You learn to pick out each bone from a crowd.
The taking helps you learn to scan other players’ cards accurately, and the shouting helps you better remember the bone names for next game!
Reference cards are included in the deck to help get players started, and full-sized versions along with other human skeleton activities are available on our website.
Check out the full description of the game at TheGameCrafter.com. Then sign in and add it to your wishlist! 🙂
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