A New Year of Creativity!

PlayGames2Learn.com - New Year of Creativity

Last year was a pretty productive year of creativity! We released:

We also enjoyed our artistic collaborations with @TunaCetiV and @WitchwayGames!

Now, in 2022, we expect to devote a majority of our time to writing book 2 of Emma Sharpe’s adventures and adding more STEM activities to the Teachers Guide for book 1.

[Read latest post: Behind the Line – Two Calendars]

We have some games in mind as well – a couple new science-based games that have been waiting for some attention and some ideas leftover from 2020 for expanding “Pirates vs. Skeletons and “The Bone Game. We also hope to pull together the gameplay for our 3rd Pirate Pursuit game.

We look forward to seeing what your own creativity brings into being during 2022!

#MakeLearningFun 🙂

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At Silverpath Publishing / PlayGames2Learn.com, we believe in #LearningThroughPlay to help #MakeLearningFun. We publish fiction and educational tabletop games for children and young adults.

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